Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Last day of 2013

Today was the last day of 2013 . 
I not plan to countdown tonight , 
Because later got tuition . 
Today is the 1st class of tuition . 
Hope I can get what teacher learn . 

Just now went to meet my friends . 
Long time we dint gather already ,
Although just we four person . 
1st went to coffee gallery , then went old town again . 
Nowadays , teenager loves to selca when gathering . 
We too ! 
Haha , that's a memorable movement when we are young ! 
We will miss that after this .. 

Last years ' today , I felt mood down and sad . 
My uncle most pass away for one year , 
Miss his laugh sound , miss every week he come visit my house and some more . 
But anyways , he was happy gather with grandpa and grandma at another ways . 
I still have long long journey waiting for me . 
You always in my heart .... 

Selca :)
Hi-tea at coffee gallery . 

Friday, December 27, 2013

2014 coming soon

Today brother going back Singapore le . 
Argh , why so fast ? 
Anyway , wish to see you during CNY . 
Sister also will going back S.P next Monday . 
There are reopen school at 1.1.14 . 
And I'm going for tuition start today and it's super duper anxious ! 
Haha , long time never take for tuition.....
Me school will open on 2.1.14 , that's next Thursday . 
Can't wait to school ! Hehe .... 
It's seems I long long time never go to school . 

After Christmas , it's new year and CNY ! 
Now just have a little bit excited because of CNY song . 
Holiday during CNY is just a few days . 
No time for me go to Jb , so sad .....
Next year every festival are celebrate earlier with follow the calendar . 
What to do ? 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas 2013

今天是圣诞节 ,
可是, 今年圣诞节前和妈咪,哥哥和姐姐去了吉隆坡逛街。
还带了妈咪去看圣诞装饰 , 妈咪好开心 。
以后每一年都带妈咪去看不同的圣诞装饰 。 
我好想要庆祝圣诞节 , 可是四周围的亲朋戚友都没有庆祝 。 
不管了 , 下一年带妈咪去新加坡庆祝圣诞节 ! 

无论如何 , 还是在此祝大家圣诞节快乐 ! merry Christmas !

Fahrenheit 88 de Santa 

At Times Square shopping mall 
At pavilion 
Me and the Christmas tree . 

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Happy winter solstice 2013

It's winter solstice ! 
Mother said winter solstice is the most important festival for Chinese .
Others said family must have dinner together during winter solstice . 
This year feel happy and thankful because brother was come back home and he finally have celebrate winter solstice with us . Last year he was at Singapore work and can't go home . 
Yesterday mummy did the tang yuan and it's looks beautiful ! 
Haha , my brother also try to did it ! 
Today , my family have steamboat for winter solstice night ! 
Anyway , wish everyone 冬至快乐 , 圆圆满满! 

Yay ! It's looks yummy . 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Brother annual leave . Back to home .

Yesterday wait 3 hours  at bus station .m
Waiting for my brother , because his SIM card can't use , can't call us when he reach . 
And finally he reach here at 5.30pm . 
Then , we back home for having our dinner . 
Mummy have cook curry chicken for brother ! 
Mummy long time dint cook curry chicken already ! 
Haha , but I taste it very spicy . 
After that , he chit chat with mummy . 
We discuss who want to go kl with me for one week ( Lol ) 
Then the conclusion is ..........
Brother go with me on this afternoon . 
I have plan for this trip . 
Monday after finish appointment with doctor , go to the pudu bus station for helping sis carry the lag gauge and buy bus ticket to back Kuantan . Then we go shopping ! 
Go sg.wang plaza , Times Square , pavilion , Fahrenheit , mid valley and more . 
But I don't need to buy clothes d . 
Cause sis bring many clothes for me and mummy . 
Just go n see . 

I can't wait to go see the Christmas decoration of the shopping mall ! 
Christmas is on around . 
But our family doesn't celebrate it . No mood Liao lol . 
I plan to go singapore but brother come back home then mummy said no need go liao . 
Wait next time ! 

Friday I will be back , my home sweet home .... 
Good morning ! Enjoy your weekend ! 

Friday, December 13, 2013

Oncall 36 小时2 之悲伤篇

一大清早起来看oncall ,
真的好感人啊 ! 
想必每个人看了都会泪流满面 .

无论人类如何好好的照顾自己 , 
病痛随时找上你来 。 
生命如此短暂 , 连笑也笑不出来 。 
善良的心让大家都感到很温暖 , 
善良的人让大家永记在脑海里 ,

“很久很久以前 , 你拥有了我,我拥有了你 。” 
只要做让自己开心的事情, 完成自己的梦想 ,让生命中没有遗憾 ,
那就足够了 。 
人身体状况随时都会改变 , 
而这些变化, 不是说医好就好。
所以,我们都要珍惜当下 。 

我想要的生活 。
但谁都不理解我 , 不理解我到底喜欢的是什么 , 想做什么 。 
我喜欢烘焙 , 喜欢做手工 。
以后想要学习烘焙 。
因为烘焙教会我 , 好的作品是从辛苦的过程中换来的 。 
而最好的成就, 就会让我觉得很满足 , 很开心 。 
我更想要成为一名鼎鼎有名的服装设计师 。 

Friday, December 6, 2013

7.12.2013 雨季

最近天天下雨 , 家乡还发生了水灾!
昨天在姐姐去金马扬参与11天的教师乡下服务计划 , 
是个不错的活动 , 可是去目的地的路途不好走 。 
表侄儿又寄宿在我家 到冬至。
哥哥下个星期六才回家 (期待,兴奋)
我呢 , 又要去医院见医生。
从吉隆坡回来之后 , 要开始大扫除咯 。 
新年要到了嘛 ! 
还有三个星期就要开课了 。 
我还没准备好 , 还没学完中四的课程 。 (好难哦) 

无论如何 , 加油吧 ! 做到最好! 


每次听见你的埋怨里 , 
几乎让我崩溃 。 
想要你振作点 ,
人生起起落落 。
一定有解决的办法 。 
至于这个难关是否过得了 ,

每次告诉自己 , 
凡事不要靠别人 , 
要靠自己的努力去争取 。 
所得到的收入 , 自己会觉得很开心。

在一片黑漆漆的森林里 ,
没人会救你 。 
只有自己才能救自己 。 
就算走错路了 , 
也能回头 。
只要勇于尝试 , 
就算失败也没关系 。
自己得承担所有的后果 !

就算说了几千遍 , 
还是很固执,不听的话 ,
那我也没办法 。 

人生处处充满挑战 。

Thursday, November 7, 2013

全都是因为你 !

全都是因为你 ,
即使我在你眼里存在感再低 , 
你还是没有顾及我的感受 ;
你还是让我无法忘掉那些往事 ;
你还是无法接纳我 ;
你还是 宠爱着她 。 

妄想哪一天 ,

如果真的有哪一天 , 
地球再也不是圆的 。 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

29.10.13 treatment ended .

Yesterday was last day of treatment .
Thanks god that I no need to add more pharsal of treatment . 
Then I got my appointment with my oncology doctor . 
Later going back home at Kuantan ! 
Wow , I miss my Sally and my bed so much ! 
One month dint back home dy . 

There are some side effect with me cause of the treatment . 
Hope I will recover after this . 

Although you are so naughty but yi yi still loves you . 

Our photo before I back Kuantan .

Is that I fat dy ? 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

23.10.2013 惊讶

怎知道 。。。。。。
我有点被吓坏了 , 可是主治医生没跟我说。 
明天还得回医院 , 天呀! 还有多少次我的疗程才可以结束 ?! 
虽然每天短短的15分钟, 可是挺痛苦的 。。。。。 
好想早点回家 , 我想家了 。 
想念我的Sally ,想念我那温暖的床 , 想念那边的食物 ,想念我的侄儿们 。。。。
我也希望能够早日回校完成我的功课 。 
可是, 这是医生的决定 , 每次医生总是做出让人意想不到的决定 。。。 
可是相信医生也是为我好 。 

现在比起以前真的是改变很多 。 
饮食的改变 , 
生活方式的改变 ,
思维的改变 。 
现在的我已经不可能回到以前的那个我 。 

还有三个月就要过农历新年了 ! 
想到这 就很兴奋 , 所有的烦恼都不见啦 ! 
哈哈 。。。
想要忘记不开心的事情, 就得想些令人高兴的事情 ! 

好了 , 得准备一下 , 待会出去用餐 。 

待续 。。。。。 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Mummy birthday 16.10.2013

Yesterday was mummy 50th birthday . 
I have bought a cake for her . 
She have choose a durian durian cake because she don't like chocolate and cheese ! 
After dinner at house , we have mummy birthday celebration . 
This year mummy celebrate her birthday at kl . 
Because of me , she accompany me to hospital everyday . 
Because of me , she care of my eats and drinks . 
Because of me , she always think what to cook for me . 
Because of me , she fell tiredly . 
I will always remember everything she did for me . 
I will work hard and get a better life on our future . 
I will look after you after you have retirement . 
I love you mummy ! 

Mummy with her birthday cake 
Mummy and me ! 
Mummy looks pretty when smiling right ? Hehe ....
Cousin singing birthday song for mummy .
Mummy make a wish 
Mummy blow up the candle .
Lastly .....
While eating the cake ....
Mummy and cousin ...

Hope I can celebrate mummy birthday with her every year after this ..... 

The end .

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Sg. Klah Hot Spring Park , Perak 15.10.13

Today is holiday . 
Sister bring us went to Sungkai Hot Spring Park . 
This is the first time we visit there . 
This morning , we went there after we had our breakfast at uptown . 
Then we reached there on 10.30a.m 
It's take one and half hour from Pj to sungkai . 
After that , we went to buy ticket . 
Rm12 per adult  and Rm7 per senior citizen . 
Then , we went inside the park by a train car . 
My first impression is it's  amazing place to relax . 
And anyone would don't know inside a small village have such as beautiful park . 
After visit around , we found that a private jacuzzi . 
But it's need to pay Rm75 per hour . 
Then we dint have to get it . 
We went to hot spring pool and swim . 
Today's weather was good , no raining and sun burn . 
After swim at hot spring pool , we have our lunch at there . 
Cousin have bought bought many food and drinks to there . 
Then , we moved to a cold swimming pool . 
There were many people visit there because today's holiday . 
I can have my happiness there although there was not really many facilities such as other waterpark . 
There also got boils egg services . 
But we need to buy the egg at there , it's so expansive . Rm1 per egg . 
Around 1pm , we ready to go back . 
Then we have our hi tea at Sungkai restourant . 
After that , we back and reached pj at 5 pm . 
Today was very tired but excited and happy to visited there . 
Holiday is almost over . 
Tomorrow going for my treatment again . 
And tomorrow have a celebration for my mummy birthday ! 

Me and my mummy .

Me and my cousin 
Take photo for my pretty mummy .
Four beautiful women
My mummy enjoying the hot spring . 
Hand injured today . 
The girl love to swim! 
My mummy jump into the water ! Wow ....
Hehehe .... 
Take photo during otw back home .... 
Did I look darker ? Haha ... 

It's time to say good night baby ...... 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sunday 6.10.2013

Today's Sunday . Sungai besar , selangor . 
These two days at here was boring but it's okay got internet for me ...
Tomorrow morning going back Pj again and going for my next treatment . 
Tomorrow need to plan about that this Friday me and mummy need go back Kuantan or not . 
And about order a cake for mummy :) 
Two more weeks my treatment going to end ! 
Yay :) so happy and I can go back my lonely house and go back finish my project at school . 
It's near to school holiday and I haven't complete what that my friend already finished it . 
I really don't know what to do . 
Luckily I have a very very kind friend around me . 
I'm sorry before that I have ignore you because you're acting like make me uncomfortable . 
But now I only relieve that you're the only who help me when I need help . 
Others I don't want to talk more .......... 

Monday, September 23, 2013

5th treatment 23.09.2013

Monday , 23.09.2013 
Today morning going to hospital by taxi . 
A very very kind taxi driver names Pak Cik Rajimi . 
He come to fetch me by everyday without extra charges . 
Today is the first day he come to fetch me . 
It's really difficult to find my sis house . 
But finally he know here . 
After treatment , I accompany my mummy go Pudu bus station bought bus ticket for sis and us . 
We and sis going back by this Friday afternoon . 
Sis going back s.petani and we going back kuantan . 
Next Monday will back here again for my treatment . 
Around 2.00pm , finally reach home . 
Really tired after the treatment . 
I was sleep until 6.00pm .
Then , after dinner we went to night market at ss2 . 
Mummy bought many fruits for me . 
There were so many people ! 
Mummy bought some hair clips for me ^^ 

Now , it's time to say good night . 
Tomorrow going again to hospital for treatment and have appointment with my doctor at the afternoon.
Will be continue ..........

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Second day of treatment

18.9.2013 , Wednesday .
Today was my second day for radiotherapy at PPUKM .
The symptom have came out today after finish the treatment . 
Yesterday was the first day for my treatment . 
Felt so nervous before go my treatment , 
It was doesn't hurt me badly , yesterday the treatment took half an hour . 
Today and after this every treatment take ten minutes to finish it . 
Before the treatment , doctor will put a mask on me .
It's make me uncomfortable and breathe hardly . 
Luckily it's just take ten minutes for the treatment . 
During the treatment , some noisy sound have come out . 
Felt so headache to hear that noisy sound from the machine . 
After the treatment , doctor told me that drink a lot of water and do not wash my hair with shampoo . 
Yesterday I felt nothing and I still can go shopping with my cousin after the treatment . 
But today I felt tired and need sleep for few hours after treatment .
There is nothing to do at my cousin house at afternoon . 
It's boring +tired+headache +stomachache ! 
My treatment take 25days to finish it . 
That's means I have 25 session for my treatment , each session cost RM50 . 
Because of the hospital is half government , so doesn't cost expansive . 

The second day I already felt very tired , 
Don't know what I will be after finish my treatment . 
No one can understand my feeling now ! 

Me and mummy every morning going hospital by taxi . 
It's cost expansive but we have no choices . 
From section 17 pj to hospital cost RM 20 for one way . 
Sometimes the federal highway was traffic jam badly . 
No one know when it will not jam......

Just hope I will really recover after the treatment . 

Traffic jam 
The department of radiotherapy. 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

15.9.2013 last day in Kuantan

It's seems like I just done my surgery yesterday ,
Tomorrow going to kl , 
Tuesday going start my treatment . 
I have finish packing , just bring some clothes . 
Going to make a timetable for myself at kl . 
If not , it's really waste my time for nothing .

Don't know what I will feel after the treatment ? 
Everybody said that treatment will make my body become hot ,
So I need to care about myself . 
Another thing I care about the cost of my treatment .... 
Cause doctor just estimated the cost is around rm 3,000 . 
But haven't calculate other check up . 
The month I stay at kl will going call up cab to fetch me to hospital by everyday . 

The thing I scare is .......
I search from Internet and some article wrote about my situation will be badly after the treatment . 
Because now no evidence of malignancy . 
There is just metastatic spread is the only reliable criterion for malignancy . 
So , we also don't know what will happen after the treatment . 
As my cousin sis said , 
" just live for today and no regret " 
We must thankful to God because we have given another day to lives . 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A call from hospital .

Just received a called by doctor , 
I'm doing my treatment by next week . 
It's seems so fast .
I have inform my cousin and brother . 
My cousin sis also going to meet her doctor by next week , 
God bless her . 
But , she always said "just live for today and no regret" . 
That will be our quote for everyday . 
Later going buy bus ticket .......
Going to packs my things . Going to school tmr and inform teacher . 
I just told to someone , 
I don't want let everyone know because I don't want they worry about me . 
It's okay ! 
Just a month for treatment ! 
I will be fine after this . 

Chai choo sis wedding

That's a memorable , wonderful , happiness day . 
Everyone were attended her wedding dinner . 
We have chat many and many , 
We have laugh loudly and loudly ,
We have ate many and many , 
We have helping tired and tired. 
When every wedding invitation , 
I was very excited and happy 
Because I can meet with my lovely cousin ...
Because seldom have chance to meet them cause of they busying working . 
That day everyone was beautiful as a angel . 
We took many and many photo and it will become our memory . 
Here is some photo taken by me ! 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I need ..........

I need a quiet place to study ,
I need a people to help me , 
I need more hardworking to finish it , 
I need achieve good academic ,
I need study at my dream school after this ,
I need think carefully before do something .
So , 
Silent please ! 

Monday, September 9, 2013


有些事情, 得想清楚是否真的可以这样做。
既然做了,就不要后悔 。
过去做的,就要负起这个责任 ! 

Friday, September 6, 2013


清晨外面下着绵绵细雨 , 

在外头的你, 不知是否曾想念我 ? 
Sharing is caring .....................

Sunday, September 1, 2013

September of 2013

九月份的第一天 ,
医院怎么还没打来 ?! 
期待星期六的到来 , 
我超爱热闹了 ! 
每当有亲戚结婚或者生日派对才有那么热闹 。 
我又可以和大哥见面啦 !
好久没见到面了 , 看照片好像瘦了好多 。 
妈咪今天有打电话给大哥 , 看是不是压力太大 。。。

星期日我和表姐要做北海道蛋糕啦! (期待) :)
星期六会准备冰皮月饼给表姐和大哥带回去新加坡吃 ;)

说到医院 , 
本来这一两个星期就应该开始疗程了 , 
可是到现在还没医院的消息 。 
我的疗程将在一个月内完成 。 
虽然天天要到医院报道 , 可是 应该还撑得住 。。。
现在妈咪和我都烦恼着在吉隆坡的交通和我的医药费 。。 
毕竟 所有的储蓄用的七七八八了 。。。 
我哥多少有在金钱上的帮忙 , 
可是我和妈咪一个月在吉隆坡的伙食费, 生活费 , 医药费 和交通费 也很重本 ! 
本来打算妈咪驾车载我去医院的 , 可是最近治安不好 , 加上只有我们两母女 , 心里怕怕的 。。 
如果叫德士 , 天天来回医院, 加上塞车 , 德士费更不用说 ! 起码要七百块 ! 
妈咪最近又没有订单 , 妈咪还打算要到外头去找工作 。 
我也打算疗程做完后 , 要到便利商店打工 。 
毕竟新年也快到了 , 赚点钱来买家里所用到的东西 。。。。 

现在不能乱乱花钱了 , 现在经济不是很好 。。。 
真的有需要才买 ! 
不要去羡慕别人所拥有的 ! 
晚安 ! 

Friday, August 30, 2013


这世界上 , 平淡过日子的人一定多过富裕的人。
可是, 当过程中有人生病的时候 ,要到哪里找钱医病? 
医药保险又没买,户头里的储蓄有不多 。。。
这时候 , 有钱的亲朋戚友都怕我不够钱来医病反而来向他们借钱 ! 
我知道大家都很现实,所以闪得远远的 ! 
以后如果你们发生了什么事别来找我 , 因为我也很现实 !!
我个人认为, 我们有缘当亲朋戚友 , 大家互相帮忙是应该的 。 
我又不是要你们给我而是借我 ! 就算你要给我我也不会拿! 
以后将会还给你们 ! 
另外 , 时常关心和帮助我的亲戚我很感激 , 
小妹以后一定会报答你们和永远记得你们对我的好 !
算了 , 面对事实吧! 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

快乐 ? 18.8.2013

谁又不想一辈子过着无忧无虑快乐的日子 ? 
如果是这样的话 , 那个人很容易就被别人打败了 。 
生命中有无数的挫折,困难 。
每一个挫折都需要冷静下来,想想解决困难的方法 , 而不是在一旁唉声叹气。
即使是这样 , 也没有人会来帮助你渡过难关 ! 
最讨厌那些只会等着别人来伸出援手的人 ! 
难道你的脑袋被虫给吃了吗 ? 
没脑袋想想解决方案吗 ? 
你又不是脑残 ! 
有人告诉我 , 当你遇到困难时 , 没有人会来帮助你 ! 只有你自己才能救你自己 ! 
当我遇到困难重重时 , 我都告诉自己 : " 相信自己, 一定能解决的 , 不要害怕, 勇敢去做 ! " 

挫折可以被解决的 , 
它并不是一条死路 , 
我们可以将它变成活生生的路 。 
当一只动物肚子饿的时候 , 它寻找不到猎物, 可以它依然可以去摘些水果来充饥 。 

当我们生命中遇到令我们不高兴的事情 , 
我们可以以正面去思考 。 
人一辈子都不可能永远都那么的快乐 , 
有时我们都会感到悲伤 , 生气。 

如果你的生命中只有快乐 , 那么活下还有什么意义 ? 

我想对某个人说  :"可以不要那么固执吗 ? 难道你的家人的生死都不管你的事吗 ? 那么家人对你来说算什么 ? 你每天哀声叹气老天爷就会派钱给你吗 ? 你可以听听别人的建议吗 ? 如果你想到比我更好的计划 , 我会听你的 ? 你可以不要随便诬赖别人吗? 你可以不要那么偏护她吗? 我也是你的孩子!你可以不要动不动就拿死来威胁我们吗? 别人说我们不可以改变谁来当我们的家人 , 可是我们可以改变我们的命运 ! 我们一直以来都意见不合 , 不知道你到底对我哪里不顺眼 ?! 你可以不要那么现实吗? 以前骂别人没一样好 , 现在别人赚钱给你花 , 你就什么都顺着他? 当家人有困难的时候 , 你在哪里 ? 你每次只会出那张嘴! 以后大家不可以住在一起 , 要不然耳朵每一天清静 ! 其实别人都在说你 , 只是你不知道 ! 因为你爱面子 ! 别人怕说了你会想不开 ! 你可以不可以不要学公公 ? 面子永远放在第一 !面子能当饭吃吗 ? 面子值多少钱? 总之 , 自己好好反想吧! 
要不然谁也不能帮到你 。。。。。

那段日子, 我多么痛 , 多么难过 , 
你有安慰过我吗 ? 你有陪伴着我吗 ? 
你若无其事 , 没当一回事 。 
你认为患上癌症的人就一定要躺在床上病得很严重才来医的吗 ? 
每一次动手术 , 医生都问:"你爸爸呢?" 
那时我就告诉自己世界上只有妈妈对我最好 。 
你连我的亲戚也不如 。 
我妈妈那边的亲戚比你好一百倍 ! 
你以为我半只脚踏入棺材才相信我患上了癌症 ? 
好心你 , 读多一点书好不好 ? 

你怎样骂我都好 , 
这些话常在我心里就像一只刺 , 
虽然没办法当面跟你讲 , 
可是在这说了出来心里舒服多了 。 
每次别人都叫我把你的话当耳边风 , 
可是 你知道吗 ? 
你的话深深地伤了别人的心 , 
你教我如何当作听不见 呢 ? 
每一次忍无可忍的时候 , 
一个人盖上棉被, 在里头哭得多么伤心 。 
每次我做什么 , 你都看不顺眼 。 
我要追随我的梦想 , 你也有意见 。 
真的不懂要怎样才能和你一起生活 。。。。。。 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


美好的时光很快就这样的过去了 , 
我好像时光倒流, 可是一切都是不可能的。
虽然说人类一天只有二十四个小时, 而我认为人类只有十二个小时 ! 
很多事情无法在一天内完成 。 
昨天的美好时光过得太快了 , 
今天又得回关丹去了 。 
因为时间真的让我们措手不及 。 


今晚参与了表侄女的生日派对 , 
回想起我的第一次生日派对 , 
还记得那时候是三年级妈咪帮我庆祝生日 。
我邀请了很多朋友来我家出席生日会 。 
大家玩得很开心, 我也收到很多礼物 。 
我那时候的蛋糕上摆着很多不同的公仔 , 
当唱完生日歌后 , 吹熄蜡烛后 , 朋友们抢着我蛋糕上的公仔 ,
结果我没得到一只公仔 。 
那是真的很难过 ,那是永远无法删除到的记忆。 
之后我再也没有开生日派对 。。。。 
上了中学 , 我举办了火锅生日派对, 我只是邀请了我的好朋友 。 
可是我找不回同年的生日派对的气氛 。 
直到今天 , 我找回了童年的生日气氛 。 
今天一整天大家都忙着准备食物 , 
我今天也亲手做了一个Pandan Layer Cake . 
今晚真是我最美好的回忆 , 
谢谢你们让我有机会拥有这些回忆 。 

婕熙的长辈们 。 

晚安 !